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New Rule Allowing Children to be Detained Indefinitely Deportation & Humanitarian ImmigrationImmigrationImmigration Law Changes &  New Law

New Rule Allowing Children to be Detained Indefinitely

The Trump administration announced a new rule on Thursday that would allow immigrant children waiting for court dates to be detained in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facilities indefinitely. After passing of the zero-tolerance policy regarding illegal immigration and border…
September 7, 2018
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Judge Denies the Trump Administration’s Attempt to overturn Flores Settlement Deportation & Humanitarian ImmigrationImmigrationImmigration Law Changes &  New Law

Judge Denies the Trump Administration’s Attempt to overturn Flores Settlement

On June 9, 2018, U.S. District Court Judge Dolly Gee has denied the Trump administration’s attempt to detain migrant families together indefinitely by rejecting the request to allow governments to lock up children with their parents. After passing of the…
July 11, 2018