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What is the difference between Extraordinary and Exceptional ability? Which green card category is right for me? Extraordinary AbilityImmigration

What is the difference between Extraordinary and Exceptional ability? Which green card category is right for me?

Employment-Based immigration is divided into categories based on 5 preferences: First Preference EB-1, Second Preference EB-2, Third Preference EB-3, Fourth Preference EB-4 and Fifth Preference EB-5. This blog post will focus on the requirements for an EB-1 visa in the…
October 20, 2017
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Are extraordinary ability visas available for professions outside of the arts? What do I need to show to qualify for an extraordinary ability visa if I am not in the arts? Extraordinary AbilityImmigration

Are extraordinary ability visas available for professions outside of the arts? What do I need to show to qualify for an extraordinary ability visa if I am not in the arts?

The O visa, which is a classification for people with extraordinary ability, is often used by people with professions in the arts as its flexibility lends itself well to the non-traditional employer-employee relationships. This O visa for those in the…
July 6, 2017
What is a good Visa for Artists? What is an “artist visa”? What is an agent for an O-1B visa? Extraordinary AbilityImmigration

What is a good Visa for Artists? What is an “artist visa”? What is an agent for an O-1B visa?

The O-1B is an employment based nonimmigrant classification for artists who have garnered a high level of distinction in their field. Sometimes informally called the “artist visa”, O-1 classification can actually be applied to a broad range of professions in…
February 23, 2017