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Lawsuit Filed against White House Blocking Stimulus Check for U.S. Citizens Married to Immigrants without Social Security Numbers COVID-19

Lawsuit Filed against White House Blocking Stimulus Check for U.S. Citizens Married to Immigrants without Social Security Numbers

A lawsuit has been filed again President Trump over the federal government declining to make the $1200 stimulus checks to U.S. citizens who are married to immigrants without social security numbers and filed joint taxes in the most recent year.…
April 28, 2020
Coronavirus Update: Canada, United States, and Mexico Closed Border to Tourism and Recreational Travel For 30 Days (Updated) COVID-19

Coronavirus Update: Canada, United States, and Mexico Closed Border to Tourism and Recreational Travel For 30 Days (Updated)

Starting on March 21 and continuing to at least April 20, the land borders between Canada, the United States, and Mexico will be restricted to essential travel only. This does not apply to air, rail, or sea travel at this…
March 23, 2020