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H-1B Registration Begins Today, March 1

a man clicking on a button that says "registration"

The initial registration period for the FY2023 H-1B cap has opened today, March 1, at noon Eastern Standard Time and run through noon EST on March 18, 2022. During this time, prospective petitioners and legal representatives will be able to fill out the petitioner and beneficiary information and submit their registration. All prospective H-1B applicants must first be registered online on the USCIS myUSCIS website in order to be in the pool for the H-1B visa lottery. New accounts can now be registered.

Prospective H-1B cap-subject petitioners or their representatives are required to use a myUSCIS online account to: 1) register each beneficiary electronically for the selection process and 2) pay the associated $10 H-1B registration fee for each registration submitted on behalf of each beneficiary.  USCIS will run the registration lottery on March 18 and selected account holders will be notified by March 31. Only selected beneficiaries can submit their applications. To learn more about the different account types, please click hereTo learn more about the registration process, please click here.

On February 28, USCIS announced that it has reached the 85,000 H-1B cap limit for FY 2022 (last year’s lottery). USCIS implement three separate H-1B registration selections and filing periods over the course of almost a year in order to reach the cap.

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