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Koľko peňazí musím investovať aby mi boli udelené E-2 víza? E-2 VisaForeign Language ArticlesImmigrationInvestor Visas

Koľko peňazí musím investovať aby mi boli udelené E-2 víza?

E-2 víza je typ neprisťahovaleckých víz ktorý umožňuje investorom ktorí chcú žiť v USA rozbehnúť svoj vlastný biznis alebo kúpiť už rozbehnutý biznis (napríklad odkúpiť už rozbehnutú reštauráciu). Biznis ktorý chcete v USA rozbehnúť môže byť malý, stredný alebo veľký, avšak aby…
December 29, 2020
Are the U.S. Consulates processing E-2 visa applications? Are the U.S. Consulates conducting E-2 visa interviews? COVID-19

Are the U.S. Consulates processing E-2 visa applications? Are the U.S. Consulates conducting E-2 visa interviews?

Many of our clients often ask us whether the U.S. abroad are open, whether they are processing visa applications, and how long it takes to get an E-2 interview. In March 2020, the Department of State suspended routine visa services…
September 10, 2020
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Do E-2 spouses get the automatic 180 day EAD extension? My EAD expires in 2 weeks, is there any way to expedite the EAD renewal application? Can I file an Expedite Request? E-2 VisaImmigrationInvestor Visas

Do E-2 spouses get the automatic 180 day EAD extension? My EAD expires in 2 weeks, is there any way to expedite the EAD renewal application? Can I file an Expedite Request?

Spouses of E-2 Investors or E-2 employees can apply for a Work Authorization Card (EAD card). What is the automatic 180 day extension? Aliens that are in the U.S. in certain immigrant/non-immigrant categories can get an automatic 180 day extension…
January 27, 2020