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What is Extreme Hardship? Extreme Hardship Explained and How it is Used to Obtain a Green Card Waiver Deportation & Humanitarian ImmigrationImmigration

What is Extreme Hardship? Extreme Hardship Explained and How it is Used to Obtain a Green Card Waiver

Immigration waivers “forgive” certain grounds of ineligibility that would normally prevent an applicant from receiving an immigration benefit. Waivers can be granted for temporary visas (For example, B visa (Tourist visa), E-2 Visa (Investor Visa), H-1B (Specialty Worker) and also…
September 18, 2015
Can I Get A Green Card if I Overstayed my Visa? 601A Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver Explained Deportation & Humanitarian ImmigrationImmigration

Can I Get A Green Card if I Overstayed my Visa? 601A Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver Explained

Many people find themselves in the position of having an approved I-130 application but are ineligible to apply for a green card because they have been in the U.S. without proper papers for over 180 days. For some individuals a…
September 18, 2015
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Scott Legal, P.C. Obtains E-2 Visa Approvals for Joint Investors in Madrid – One Spanish National and One U.K. National Approvals

Scott Legal, P.C. Obtains E-2 Visa Approvals for Joint Investors in Madrid – One Spanish National and One U.K. National

We just obtained approvals for two investors who started a medical care facility in Florida. One investor was a national of the U.K. and the other was a national from Spain.  Each had a 50% stake ownership in the business. …
April 23, 2015